Panoramic videos, creating panoramic images, ChatGPT's Code Interpreter, Midjourney's pan feature, visual storytelling

Experience the Magic of Panoramic Videos: A Guide to Creating Stunning Visual Stories with Midjourney and ChatGPT’s Code Interpreter

Have you ever wished you could immerse yourself in the breathtaking views of a panoramic image? Or perhaps you’ve captured a stunning panoramic photo and want to bring it to life in a whole new way? If you’re nodding along, get ready to be amazed!

I am thrilled to introduce an extraordinary combination of technologies that can transform your panoramic images into mesmerizing videos: Midjourney’s latest pan feature and ChatGPT’s Code Interpreter. Together, they are revolutionizing visual storytelling, and I’m here to take you through the entire process.

In this article, I will provide a step-by-step guide on using Midjourney to create panoramic images and then using ChatGPT’s Code Interpreter to transform these images into captivating videos. Whether you’re a content creator, digital marketer, photographer, or simply an enthusiast who loves experimenting with visuals, this guide is designed for you. So, let’s dive right in!

Creating Panoramic Images Using Midjourney’s New Pan Function

Let’s explore the exciting new feature from Midjourney that has been causing a stir in the image generation community—the Pan feature. This innovative tool is changing the way we interact with and expand our images, and I’m here to give you all the details.

The Pan feature, as the name implies, enables you to pan across your image and expand it in a chosen direction. This is a game-changer for those who want to delve deeper into their creations. By incorporating arrow buttons below the upscaled images, this feature allows you to click on the arrows to expand the image in the desired direction, effectively “panning” the image.

Panoramic videos, creating panoramic images, ChatGPT's Code Interpreter, Midjourney's pan feature, visual storytelling

An incredibly thrilling aspect of the Pan feature is its seamless integration with the Remix mode. This remarkable combination allows you to modify your prompts while panning your images, enabling the creation of dynamic panoramic stories effortlessly. Let me illustrate this exciting capability with an example: Imagine you want to include specific objects on one side of your image. By incorporating these objects into your prompt, you can effortlessly craft a captivating narrative that seamlessly unfolds within your panoramic image. This feature empowers you to infuse your visuals with a rich and engaging storyline.

Panoramic videos, creating panoramic images, ChatGPT's Code Interpreter, Midjourney's pan feature, visual storytelling

However, like any new feature, there are a few limitations to be aware of. Presently, you can only pan an image either horizontally or vertically, but not both simultaneously. Additionally, variations are not supported on panned images, and zooming out of a panned image will reduce its resolution back to the default size. However, it’s important not to let these limitations discourage you. The Pan feature remains a powerful tool that can greatly enhance your image creation process.

Now, let’s delve into how to use this remarkable feature. First, you’ll need to create an image using Midjourney. Once your image has been upscaled, you will notice a set of four arrow icons: left, right, up, and down. These icons enable you to pan your image in the desired direction. Simply click on the corresponding arrow icon, and Midjourney will process your panning request, generating extended images.

Furthermore, the Pan feature allows you to increase the image resolution beyond the default maximum dimensions of 1024px x 1024px in a single direction. This means you can create stunning panoramic-style images with higher resolutions.

Using the Pan feature in Midjourney, you can easily create panoramic shots, as illustrated in the following example:

Panoramic videos, creating panoramic images, ChatGPT's Code Interpreter, Midjourney's pan feature, visual storytelling

Crafting an Enchanting Video Using ChatGPT’s Code Interpreter

Now, let’s move on to utilizing ChatGPT’s Code Interpreter to create a captivating panning and atmospheric video from the panoramic image generated earlier. To begin, we’ll navigate to ChatGPT and activate the Code Interpreter for a GPT4-based chat window.

Once the Code Interpreter is active, we can make use of the upload function to provide the necessary input file. In the example, a zip file is employed, encompassing both the generated panoramic image and an accompanying audio file.

Referencing the screenshot below, you can observe the setup with the zip file selected for processing:

Panoramic videos, creating panoramic images, ChatGPT's Code Interpreter, Midjourney's pan feature, visual storytelling

By incorporating the image and audio files within the zip file, we can seamlessly merge visuals with accompanying audio to create an immersive and atmospheric video experience.

The provided prompt serves as explicit instructions to the Code Interpreter, guiding it on how to generate the video and specifying the Python library to utilize. Once the prompt is entered and the return key is pressed, the Code Interpreter assumes control, breaking down the tasks into multiple steps, generating the required Python code, and executing it accordingly.

By relinquishing control to the Code Interpreter, the intricate process of video generation is automated, allowing for efficient and streamlined execution.

Panoramic videos, creating panoramic images, ChatGPT's Code Interpreter, Midjourney's pan feature, visual storytelling
Panoramic videos, creating panoramic images, ChatGPT's Code Interpreter, Midjourney's pan feature, visual storytelling

As a result of the Code Interpreter’s execution, it provides a link to the generated MP4 video file, which can be accessed for downloading.

Once the process is completed, you will have the opportunity to download the MP4 video file. The resulting video encompasses the panoramic image, enhanced with the panning effect, and includes the background sound as well.

Now, you can proceed to download and enjoy the final output of your creative endeavor.


In conclusion, we have embarked on an exciting exploration of panoramic videos, equipping ourselves with the knowledge of how to leverage Midjourney’s pan feature for panoramic image creation and ChatGPT’s Code Interpreter for transforming those images into dynamic video masterpieces.

The fusion of technology and creativity offers boundless possibilities, and I hope this guide has ignited your inspiration to push the boundaries and unleash your imagination. Remember, there are no limits except those you set for yourself!

Thank you for accompanying me on this captivating journey. I am eager to hear about your own experiences and witness the incredible panoramic videos you create. Feel free to share your creations and thoughts in the comments section below.

Until we meet again, keep exploring, keep creating, and above all, enjoy the process!

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